Marta Górnicka won the main prize on “Fast Forward” European Festival for Young Stage Directors 17-18.11.2012
“MAGNIFICAT” by a Polish director Marta Górnicka received the main prize on the second edition of European Festival for Young Stage Directors “Fast Forward” that ended the Sunday’s night in Staatstheater Braunschweig.
“MAGNIFICAT” is a performance that showed us the exceptional way of work with the chorus theatre. In Marta Górnicka interpretation chorus commits the act of emancipation. This is not homogenous group, but vivid, noisy organism, composed of memorable individuals.” – this is the quatation from statement of the Festival’s jury, consisting of: Beatrix Bühler – curator of Swiss “Auawirlaben” festival, Paolo Magelli – theatre director from Italy, Christian Rakow – theatre critic (Nachtkritik) and Joachim Kleoment – general director of Staatstheaters Braunschweig. „MAGNIFICAT” competed with seven other realizations from six european countries. The winner – Marta Górnicka – next season will direct in Staatstheater Braunschweig.(Staatstheater Braunschweig / sd)
Act of emancipation, Nachtkritik.de 19.11.2012
21st of November, 2012 CHORUS OF WOMEN starts a tournée in France. The performances: “THIS IS THE CHORUS SPEAKING” and “MAGNIFICAT” will be shown among others in Rennes, Arras, Douai oraz na festiwalu La Rose des Vents w Villeneuve d’Ascq.